We visited the location the day before and looked at the areas we were going to film, we decided we wanted to film in the dark, to give it a dramatic effect.
One of the shots we were going to film, was the shot from kizzys window looking out on the boys beating up gabi, but from the window we couldnt really see the carpark, So we decided to change the storyline slighty, so instead of Mari and Kizzy finding out by looking out the window, they find out by louka posting the video on facebook, while Gabi is getting mugged one of the gang members films them. As the video has been added on facebook it adds modern culture and youth, as these days its all about social networking.
Gabi is walking through a carpark, you can see that she is wealthy and posh, as she leaves a nice car and is walking around in heels, louka and his gang then approach her and start to mug her, they steal her phone, and shove her up against the wall and punch her. Whilest this is going one of the boys films it on there phone so they can put it on the internet later. After they mug Gabi they all run off and run around the corner. They then say bye and louka says that he needs to go and meet the girls meaning mari and kizzy, louka then posts the video on facebook from his phone. It then cuts to Mari and Kizzy in Kizzys room, trying on clothes and on facebook, Louka was supposed to meet them a while ago, and is really late, they try and ring him and go on his facebook, Kizzy then notices that louka has posted a video on facebook they watch it and its the video of them mugging gabi, Kizzy and Mari reconise Gabi and are really shocked at what they are seeing, they realise that Louka is going to be in a alot of trouble, Louka then knocks at kizzys door and they go and answer it. The last shot is of Gabi in a phonebox crying on the phone to her boyfriend Tommy who has a big reputation of being a nutter.